My first flight since my CPL ME IR

So after returning from Poland, I had my first flight since my CPL ME IR.
c150 local
For many reasons I have not been able to get in the air since. First the weather was not playing ball, then I had to have surgery which meant that my medical was suspended.
However, after finally getting it back it was time to get flying again!
I booked the Cessna 150 just for a few hours to remove the rust and get currency for the hopefully upcoming better weather.
I took a little bit of time the night before just to go over flying the Cessna again as I had mainly been flying the Tecnam P2008 and P2006T most recently on my CPL ME IR course.
I arrived at RAF Henlow and started with 2 circuits and like riding a bike, It all started coming back. It took me a minute to remember to call downwind as in Poland we were taught to call before base. I am not sure what the reason for that is as I believe downwind makes more sense.
The landings were not bad but the second one was definetly better than the first.
After this I set out into the local area, up towards Gratham water, down towards Bedford and finally back into Henlow joining long finals on runway 13.
I must admit it felt amazing to be back up and I am now looking forward to starting my MCC in just over 2 weeks.
Now, time for some study for the upcoming MCC / Course and brushing up on my technical knowledge.


Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

The essential flight training guide

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